
Course Description

The course is a third level PLC class using the Allen-Bradley ControlLogix, PowerFlex AC Drive (VFDs) hardware, plus additional remote components. The student should of knowledge of the material covered in the Basic and Intermediate ControlLogix course. The the focus of the Advance ControlLogix class is connecting remote devices to a ControlLogix PLC. Network connections used are Ethernet and DeviceNet. The course covers processor to processor connections (MSG instructions, Producer/Consumer tags), processor to remote I/O modules using a Ethernet network, VFD connections using Ethernet and DeviceNet, and remote component connections (photo-eye, Proximity Switch, I/O Blocks) using DeviceNet . Software applications used in the class are RSLogix 5000, RSNetWorx for DeviceNet, Bootp / DHCP Tool and RSLinx.

Course Outline

Day 1
1. Configuring RSLinx Drivers
2. Assigning IP addresses to Computers and Communication Modules 
3. Connecting To Remote Devices using Ethernet / IP
Day 2
1. Connecting ControlLogix to a DeviceNet Network
2. DeviceNet Components / Wiring
3. Connecting to a PLC using 1756DNB Module
4. Using RSLinx to View DeviceNet Connects
5. Using RSNetworx Soft ware to Monitor / Configure a Network
Day 3
1. DeviceNet Continued
2. Using RSLogix 5000 to Monitor / Configure a 1756-DNB Communications Module
3. Mapping I/O in the 1756-DNB Module
4. DeviceNet Addressing
5. 1756-DNB Module Modes
Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Industrial Network Communications Ethernet + DeviceNet (Adv.)
T, W, Th
7:30AM to 4:00PM
Apr 15, 2025 to Apr 17, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Course Fee(s)
Registration Fee non-credit $2,000.00
Drop Request Deadline
Apr 08, 2025
Transfer Request Deadline
Apr 08, 2025
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